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Miranda: Nest

The March theme for Leah Piken Kolidas’s Creative Every Day project was nest. Leah is feathering her own nest in anticipation of her baby’s arrival, so nesting was a natural theme for her — and everyone else who is anticipating (or already enjoying) spring.

I made two projects for the theme. Actually, “re-made” would be more accurate, since both of these were originally created in my last house, but fell apart when we moved to our new house two years ago. The piece “Birdhouse” was entirely destroyed. So, now that I’m settled in my new nest, as it were, I was happy to come back to both of these projects. I put a different spin on “Birdhouse” this time around.


I extrapolated “nest” into birdhouse, seeing as a nest is, in most literal terms, a bird’s house. Like any nest you would find in nature, my birdhouse was constructed with things that I found around me. The nest itself is real, salvaged from a bush outside my office window after it was no longer needed. The base of the piece was cut from a section of the wood that used to belong to my childhood piano — a behemoth old painted upright that I had to ditch when the soundboard cracked. (Before it was hauled away, I removed a piece of the case and popped off all of the beleaguered ivory veneers.) So for me, this birdhouse, and the timing of its reconstruction, has many layers of meaning.

Seaglass Nest

This one speaks for itself. Well, maybe there’s room for a subtitle along the lines of “People in glass houses…..”

Thanks to Leah for the prompt. I wouldn’t have resuscitated these projects without it.

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Thank you so much for sharing these pieces, Miranda. They’re beautiful!

    March 31, 2011
  2. lovely and FRESH Miranda! Well done on bringing forth such beautiful interpretations.

    April 2, 2011

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